First of all, Thank you so much for purchasing this theme and for being my loyal customer. You are awesome!
You are entitled to get free lifetime updates to this product + exceptional support from the author directly.
In this document, we provide all kinds of good information with all the details you need to use our theme. We hope you have fun and enjoy working with our theme.
Your server needs to be set up with the above requirements to be able to run WordPress.
You can read more in WordPress Requirement.
Our theme is compatible with these browsers:
If after clicking “Install Now” you see an error that “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet”. You need to unzip the folder and theme include on your package.
If you’d prefer to install your theme via FTP/SFTP you can. It’s still super easy, there are just couple important steps you don’t want to miss.
First, you need to install a FTP (file transfer protocol) solution – we like Transmit or FileZilla (this second one is free – woot!). Once you’ve got it installed, open up your app to connect to your server.
Once you’ve added all your info save your server, then click to open it and browse to your wp-content/themesfolder.
Next you’ll need to download your WordPress theme which we covered in detail up above in the “WordPress Upload” section. Please make sure you’re downloading the “Installable WordPress file only.”
With FTP/SFTP you’ll need to unzip the that file you just downloaded from Themeforest (it should look like an open folder icon). Then upload the extracted theme file.
Now log into your WordPress installation and navigate to Appearance > Themes and click to activate your theme. See – not too hard, right?
When you first activate the theme, you will be notified of what plugins are recommended to use Cesa.
Wait for all the plugin activated then you can start customizing your website as you wish.
1. Go to Dummy Content in your admin panel:
2. Check all for Full Import. If the Demo Content import failed. Please check Demo Content and import again
Have questions? Get in touch with a friendly member of our team and we’ll be happy to help.
After activating our theme, you can go to Theme Options to configure the theme.
You can configure your layout, header, page title and others for any particular page.
You can watch video
Read Document WooCommerce:
You update the theme through the Envato Market plugin. Follow the steps below to set up this plugin:
Please read this tutorial to get more information.